end if sql="select * from "&DataFrom&" Where not(ViewFlag) and Instr(SortPath,'"&SortPath&"')>0" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 while not rs.eof HideSort="and not(Instr(SortPath,'"&rs("SortPath")&"')>0) "&HideSort rs.movenext wend rs.close dim idCount dim pages pages=NewInfo dim pagec dim page page=clng(request("Page")) dim pagenc pagenc=5 dim pagenmax dim pagenmin dim pageprevious dim pagenext datafrom="Qianbo_News" dim datawhere datawhere="where ViewFlag and Instr(SortPath,'"&SortPath&"')>0 "&HideSort& " " dim sqlid dim Myself,PATH_INFO,QUERY_STRING PATH_INFO = request.servervariables("PATH_INFO") QUERY_STRING = request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")' if QUERY_STRING = "" then Myself = PATH_INFO & "?" elseif Instr(PATH_INFO & "?" & QUERY_STRING,"Page=")=0 then Myself= PATH_INFO & "?" & QUERY_STRING & "&" else Myself = Left(PATH_INFO & "?" & QUERY_STRING,Instr(PATH_INFO & "?" & QUERY_STRING,"Page=")-1) end if dim taxis taxis="order by id desc " dim i sql="select count(ID) as idCount from ["& datafrom &"]" & datawhere set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open sql,conn,0,1 idCount=rs("idCount") if(idcount>0) then if(idcount mod pages=0)then pagec=int(idcount/pages) else pagec=int(idcount/pages)+1 end if sql="select id from ["& datafrom &"] " & datawhere & taxis set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open sql,conn,1,1 rs.pagesize = pages if page < 1 then page = 1 if page > pagec then page = pagec if pagec > 0 then rs.absolutepage = page for i=1 to rs.pagesize if rs.eof then exit for if(i=1)then sqlid=rs("id") else sqlid=sqlid &","&rs("id") end if rs.movenext next end if if(idcount>0 and sqlid<>"") then sql="select * from ["& datafrom &"] where id in("& sqlid &") "&taxis set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open sql,conn,0,1 Response.Write ""&VbCrLf else response.write "
" exit function end if if idcount>pages then Response.Write "
共有 "&idcount&" 条记录, 页次:"&page&"/"&pagec&", 每页 "&pages&" 条," & vbCrLf Response.Write ""& vbCrLf pagenmin=page-pagenc pagenmax=page+pagenc if(pagenmin<1) then pagenmin=1 If ISHTML = 1 Then If ID = "" Then if(page>1) then response.write ("9 ") Else if(page>1) then response.write ("9 ") End If Else if(page>1) then response.write ("9 ") End If if page-(pagenc*2+1)<=0 then pageprevious=1 else pageprevious=page-(pagenc*2+1) end If If ISHTML = 1 Then If ID = "" Then if(pagenmin>1) then response.write ("3 ") Else if(pagenmin>1) then response.write ("3 ") End If Else if(pagenmin>1) then response.write ("3 ") End If if(pagenmax>pagec) then pagenmax=pagec for i = pagenmin to pagenmax if(i=page) then response.write (" "& i &" ") Else If ISHTML = 1 Then If ID = "" Then response.write ("["& i &"]") Else response.write ("["& i &"]") End If Else response.write ("["& i &"]") End If end if next if page+(pagenc*2+1)>=pagec then pagenext=pagec else pagenext=page+(pagenc*2+1) end If If ISHTML = 1 Then If ID = "" Then if(pagenmax: ") if(page:") Else if(pagenmax: ") if(page:") End If Else if(pagenmax: ") if(page:") End If Response.Write ""& vbCrLf Response.Write "
"&VbCrLf end if rs.close set rs=nothing end function %><%@Language="vbscript" Codepage="65001"%> <% call SiteInfo if ISHTML = 1 then Response.expires = 0 Response.expiresabsolute = Now() - 1 Response.addHeader "pragma", "no-cache" Response.addHeader "cache-control", "private" Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" End If set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql="select * from Qianbo_tpSort where ViewFlag and ID=5" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 SeoTitle=rs("SortName") rs.close set rs=nothing %> <% =SeoTitle %> - <% =SiteTitle %>
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